Our Shadows

Okay, today is not going to be my usual cheery self. I’ve seen and read too much over the last few days to not ignore how I feel. In some ways I feel deeply saddened that racism towards the black community, which has been inherent in society for too long STILL exists. But the support that I’ve seen from everyone around me gives me hope that maybe, just maybe there will be a brighter future.

For today’s #WriteFromHome, the session was led by Jarred McGinnis and it was all on the theme of ‘Darkness’. For this challenge we needed to dig out a blindfold or a scarf, something to cover our eyes and just write.

My mind started on the physical, but then it wandered to how I felt about being in the dark and how I have previously felt about being in the dark. This piece below is related to the Black Lives Matter movement, Pride month and Mental Health Awareness.

This piece is not my best work. It’s not flowery, it’s just how I feel. But I wanted to let people know that you are not alone. There is help out there.

The link to the video is available below, and my piece is below that.

Our Shadows:

Darkness. We see it every day, yet we choose the light. Why? Is it the comfort and familiarity of knowing where we’re going?

Darkness can be our friend. It can help us see what’s beneath the surface, but when do we stop? When do we pause long enough to let ourselves leave our vacant bodies behind to really think? Cars are still going to drive past, birds will still sing and the world will keep turning unless we stop.

Have you ever spent your whole life in darkness? Do you know how hard it is to navigate when people keep placing obstacles in the way so one day you have to fall? Do you know how many people get lost in the darkness? Did you notice them?

We’re all afraid of the dark. Some of us can’t ignore our shadows that follow us around. Some days it’s our only friend.

But it takes someone who has a light. Someone who can find their way around without fear of losing themselves; someone who can see past the shadows. Then we can be seen, because sometimes an echo of a voice isn’t enough. Bring comfort in your light, let your eyes see the path we walk each day and guide us around those obstacles. In return we can help you see the beauty that the darkness holds.

So take my hand; let light and dark become one unstoppable vision so that no one has to be lost alone in the dark again.

– Henna

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